I apologize if anyone is offended by the title of today's post -- yet I'm standing by it.
Five years ago,my dear friend and ministry partner, Cynthia, died after battling cancer 5 times over 20 years. It was Mother's Day. Her only child was graduating from college the next weekend. She hadn't been "bad" -- just dehydrated from chemo. She was committed to being a document of God's work in this world. She was. She loved well.
My dear friend Sally continues her battle with Pancreatic cancer. If anybody can "whip it" -- it's Sally. Yet I see what she's gone through, and just this week how she's grieving for the loss of two friends to the dreaded disease. Sally, too, is a living testimony to God's goodness and power; and her passion for life is unparalleled.
My friend and cherished professor, Bob, is fighting for his life. No way to remove or treat his cancer. Still he teaches, lives to the full, and spreads the Word.
This morning, I found out another dear, dear friend is in hospice care. Molly's been a bible study partner, a giggling girlfriend, a deep diver into the things of life, and perhaps the funniest human being God ever created. Molly overcame the C-word more than once before and was doing ok until very recently. We had been texting about getting chocolate milkshakes soon. Now she's slipping away from this world -- from her family -- from me.
I know God is good. I know Molly and the others mentioned are assured of being in His arms for eternity. I know their suffering has purpose. I know God is close to those who mourn. And I know that all those things will matter to me again soon. But right now, they sound hollow.
Cynthia had buttons that said "Cancer Sucks." She handed them out to everyone. I still have one.
I'm going home and put it on.
I get it! Wish I still had my button from Cynthia.