So, I've mentioned that I've felt moved, called, (whatever you want to call it) to write a book. I signed up for a Christian author's publishing conference in early June to give myself a kick start. The content was good, the people were excellent, and the prospects of publishing were put into reality as slim.
I can deal with slim chances on publishing hopes. This gig is kind of like wanting to be a rock star. Many with talent try, but few succeed. I'm not doing this for fame, but I do want what God wants to say through my words and my life to be spread as far as possible.
What was REALLY weird and a bit unnerving is this:
1. On my way to the conference day one -- I ran into a huge road construction delay.
2. On my way to the conference day two -- flooding had closed the short cut I had discovered to avoid the road construction and the event's parking lot had 3 feet of water in it.
3. On my way to the conference day four -- a 5K run was underway and I had to circle for 20 minutes to find a legal place to park.
4. The kicker is this -- I submitted a sample chapter from my book and a book proposal for evaluation prior to the conference. They were to be returned to me at the conference. On conference day three, I was told there was a delay with some of the "official reviewers" getting all the submissions thoroughly evaluated -- my manuscript and proposal would be mailed to me the following week. Well, it's been a month. So today I learn both submissions, although recorded as "received," have gone MIA. I need to resubmit and wait.
Now, I can see the humor or irony or whatever in this scenario. And I'm not one to turn all things into signs from above. Still, I begin to wonder if "stop" or "wait" or "nobody cares" is an answer.
It all prompts me to ponder -- when do we crash through the roadblocks and when do we say uncle?
And when are roadblocks a sign that something very good for the Kingdom is ahead? My observation is that great things meet great resistance. Based on what you describe, don't cry UNCLE yet. :-)
ReplyDeleteInteresting...not where you were headed, but I was thinking about how "hard it is to not sin" and "all the 'roadblocks' to a holy life..." Cry uncle then? God forbid!! (like I said, not where you were headed at all...)
ReplyDeleteMore seriously, since we know God desires faithfulness (obedience) I'd say for certain faithfulness is pursuing what you were lead to do. At the least MIA material is not a rejection...although I can only imagine how frustrating that would be :(
As far as roadblocks in general - it depends on the area of life. Yet in this instance it seems to me this is where the value of community and mentors come into the picture. Outside eyes/ears bring a perspective we don't have but too often we ignore them (not saying you are).
Thanks for posting - reflections are always good.
What you have in your heart and your mind is far too valuable and important to cry "uncle" yet. Roadblocks just require detours - they are not necessarily deadends or bridges out. The enemy would love to see you quit - persevere and endure, my friend, until God clearly speaks and says "STOP." He doesn't give mixed messages or confusion - that's what I hear in what you wrote. And He was pretty clear originally in giving you the message to "Write!" So, keep writing and submitting, pain that it is, and keep sharing the wealth of all the wisdom God shares through you. :)