Thursday, April 28, 2011

Simple Wisdom from an Excellent Teacher

Dr. Robert Lowery - Academic Dean of Lincoln Christian University's Seminary - PhD in New Testament from Aberdeen University - Teacher - Pastor - Friend - Grandfather - Father - Husband -- is nearing the end of his journey on earth. He soon gets to know if His understanding of what happens after his heart stops is what he's believed for 50+ years. I believe it will be even better than he or I or you can imagine.

One of Doc's final formal speaking engagements was February 19 at a seminar for Church leaders. I was blessed to be a part of the gathering. He said many, many thought provoking things (as Doc always does). But this I will cling to:

"When all the ink is spilled about the mission and the purpose of the Church: it is simply to glorify God. It is to make more and better disciples of Jesus, period. According to the New Testament, the Church is thoroughly organized when all God's people are spiritually equipped and empowered to serve God."

It sounds so obvious, doesn't it? But I see "us" (the Church) get in our own way many times through debating the finer points of "who?" "how?" and "when?" instead of focusing on the simple, clear, effective truth.

I pray that in honor of Bob and to honor God, I will keep my focus on what is simple and clear in order to be effective for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. So simple...yet so challenging.

    I will utilize that quote of his this Sunday afternoon. We are having another congregational meeting as we continue to look at issues of leaders at New Life and structure. Too much info (and sensitive too) to put in a blog reply. But prayers for God to open our eyes will be much appreciated - the meeting is at 4pm :)
