It's a a beautiful message to God that, "You are who you are no matter where I am."
I've clung to that verse through many literal and figurative storms over the past several years.
I'm particularly struck by one seemingly subtle lyric. "I will praise you in THIS storm" -- not "I will praise you in THE storm."
The difference is striking because praising God in THIS storm means two things -- I will praise Him in the middle of the current storm, and...there will be more storms.
Here are photos of my friend Mike's destroyed home (see previous post for his story).
In that specific and horrific "storm" -- as it was happening -- he was praising God for His provisions. The photos are frightening. The attitude is amazing. God is the bridge between.
Yesterday, I spent 18 hours traveling to beat the pending blizzard home from Salt Lake City. Long day...airline delays...rude travelers...really bad roads home from Chicago...I caught another cold...
I can't say my attitude was purely praise, but as I white-knuckled the car down I-55 from Chicago to Bloomington, Illinois, the song I've referenced kept cycling through my head. It helped -- because it's truth.
We are bracing here today for 15-20 inches of snow. I will stock up on food (and videos for the boys to watch) and listen to Casting Crowns on my Walkman to keep my attitude in check.
Let it snow! I will praise Him in THIS Storm!
As often as I have sung that song to myself, I have never realized it said THIS storm. Thank you - this is very thought- and emotion-provoking. Thanks, too, for sharing Mike's story - incredible.